Friday, October 7, 2011

Nipple Piercing Q & A

In response to a previous article about embarrassing questions, I received an overwhelming response and a lot more questions! I got many questions particularly about nipple piercings, so below are some detailed answers to the most commonly asked questions.

Combatting Shyness
If you are shy about presenting your nipple to a stranger, this is perfectly normal! Remember that your piercer is a professional and this is not a sexual thing. The less clothing you have to remove, the more comfortable you will probably be, so I would suggest wearing a button up top. This way, you only have to expose the nipple being pierced and keep everything else covered up.

The Pain Factor
I have my nipples pierced, so I am speaking from experience. Getting them pierced was a breeze. I was only going to pierce one at a time, but the first one was so easy I told him to go ahead and do the other one, too. I'll admit, tho, that by then my endorphins had run down and the second one hurt a bit.

Endorphins are wonderful little things. They race through your body, giving you the strength for the "fight or flight" response. They also help to minimize pain. It is a GOOD thing to have some fear and apprehension before getting pierced, because those little endorphins will kick in and help you fight any pain. That doesn't mean you won't feel it, but it will greatly minimize the discomfort.

Also, keep in mind that a piercing is over very quickly. Almost any of us could endure even the worst torture for one or two seconds. I promise, a piercing is nothing like torture!

Abnormal Nipple Shape
If your nipples are abnormally shaped, such as inverted or flat, it will be best to allow your piercer to determine if they can be pierced and what the effect will be. It's difficult to diagnose a condition without being able to see, so make an appointment with your piercer for a consultation.

Healing & Soreness
Now, once you are pierced, the healing process may be slow. This depends a lot on the size and weight of your breasts. Those with smaller breasts will actually have less problems than those with heavier breasts that can get caught in things through natural movement. You never realize how much pulling and squishing your nipples undergo every day until you get them pierced!

If your nipples are sore during the healing process, an ice pack can do wonders. If you don't have an ice pack, a package of small frozen vegetables like peas or corn works really well. Don't laugh! This is a highly recommended method of treatment for engorged breast-feeding mothers.

Sea salt soaks will also provide comfort to a sore nipple piercing. Most nipples will rest comfortably in a small cup of salt water, so this can be done easily while watching TV, reading a book or relaxing. Soak each pierced nipple for about 5 minutes and then rinse well.

The less aggravation your piercing undergoes, the quicker the healing time will be. It should only take about 6-8 weeks. In my case, it took 6 months because my youngest daughter was still very small when I got mine pierced. She was climbing up on my lap one day and grabbed my nipple......ouch! This set the piercing back to the beginning as far as healing goes, so be careful!

If it's been many months and your nipples still haven't healed, you may have an allergy or sensitivity to the jewelry you are wearing. You also might be doing something to aggravate it without realizing it. It's best to see your piercer (or any professional piercer) and let them look at it so they can make an informed suggestion for healing.

Jewelry Rejection
Is a nipple piercing considered a surface piercing? And can it reject like a surface piercing? Technically, no. Although the nipple is similar to a surface piercing in that it enters and exits the skin in two different areas, it's not quite the same. The nipple is fleshy enough to pierce securely behind plenty of skin to prevent rejection. But that doesn't mean a nipple piercing can't reject - especially if it's not done properly in the first place. If the jewelry gauge is too thin or the piercing isn't deep enough to begin with, you run the risk of rejection. If you have an allergy to the metal, it could cause it to reject. If you have problems with infection and/or tug and pull on it too much, it could reject. Actually, almost any piercing falls under these rules - so make sure your piercer knows what they're doing and be extra dutiful about your aftercare!

More Questions Answered on Page 2

View the original article here

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